As we continue to deal with the ongoing spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are enacting the following precautionary steps must now become a part of the FICON daily protocol:

  • All employees are required to take their temperature at home, prior to arrival at their jobsite. If your temperature is 100.4o F or higher, do not come to work, return home. We must protect the safety and health of your fellow employees.
  • If you or anyone in your household has a temperature equal to or greater than 100.4o F, you must stay at home until at least 24 hours following breaking of the fever. Temperature must not be taken while any fever-reducing medicine is still active (aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Aleve, etc.).
  • If you have a fever equal to or greater than 100.4o F, you must notify your supervisor or HR Manager (Joe Taylor at (850) 209-8813).
  • If you feel ill, have flu, fever or respiratory issues, stay home and consult a medical professional.
  • Finally, if you feel that you have been in close contact with a person displaying any of these symptoms or that has tested positive for COVID-19, please contact the HR Manager (Joe Taylor at (850) 209-8813) so we can determine what, if any, plan of action is needed.

In addition, we want to remind all employees to continue to follow the precautions below:

  • All none essential clerical personnel work at home remotely with access to the data sources and systems online
  • While working at our shop or at customers facilities follow both customers and FICON’s protocols on a daily basis
  • Stay home if feeling ill, especially if your symptoms include fever, coughing/sneezing, and/or respiratory issues, such as shortness of breath.
  • Avoid shaking hands. Use other non-contact methods of greeting.
  • Wash hands with soap and water often (wash them for at least 20 seconds each time).
  • Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing.
  • Avoid close contact, keep space between yourself and others.
  • Visits by non-employee personnel (including vendors and family members) should be limited to only essential visits.

Even as we focus more time and attention on planning and preparation, we caution against panic. We continue to be informed and are following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, and our local health departments.

Just as we always do at FI•CON, by working together we can avoid the spread of this virus and remain healthy.


Miguel A. Senior